You can schedule campaigns and can set a campaign to start and stop on a particular date, or time, as well as setting days of the week. Campaigns will automatically start and stop on the specified day and time.

Scheduling allows users to control their campaigns and makes sure that a higher percentage of his/her customers respond to the automated calls. This also ensures that auto dialer does not disturb customers by calling them at night while sleeping or during office hours. ICTContact also takes care of the timezone settings and makes schedule according to users timezone settings. Following is a brief description of campaign scheduling options:

Start campaign: Schedule campaign start it has following options
a) Immediately: Start campaign immediately just after creation
b) On Scheduled Time: Start campaign on selected data and time
Stop/Pause campaign: Schedule campaign stop time it has following options
a) When Done: Stop campaign when every thing is completed
b) On Scheduled Time: Stop campaign on selected data and time
Date Scheduling
IctContact lets you schedule your campaigns in 2 ways: You can create a schedule and campaign will run according to that time everyday you may call it Weekly Schedule You don’t want your campaign to run everyday then you can choose a specific date, day and time for the campaign to run