ICTContact is a premier Auto Dialer software for Business to Business (B2B) lead generation, demand generation and customer retention. It can deploy outbound calling campaigns for an organizations to generate sales leads. You can actively manage your campaign, review...
ICTContact is an enterprise grade software for growing and mid-market businesses.When we refere to enterprise grade software what does it really mean? everyone has a different idea of what “enterprise software” really means, and some just use it as a marketing...
ICTContact is fully automated B2B telemarketing software that helps to maximize your business productivity. ICTContact service provider edition is for service providers who can provide their own online service for outbound (as well as inbound) telemarketing to...
Recently we have successfully integrated Vtiger CRM with ICTContact using REST API of ICTContact, the unified autodialer software. The said integration enable user to communicate directly with his contacts / customers directly from CRM, either using general contacts...
ICTContact is a marketing and broadcasting autodialer software solution. ICTContact use open source asterisk gateway in back end. ICTContact is a unified broadcasting communication software solution, it broadcast sms , voice, email and fax. ICTContact support Voip and...
ICTContact has released a new billing module for ICTContact Service Provider edition. This module will allow to be used as Client Management and Billing front-end for Auto Dialer service, After integration with WHMCS system will be able to provide a complete business...