ICTContact Blogs
Direct Inward Dialing And ICTContact
Direct Inward Dialing And ICTContact Direct Inward Dialing (DID) provided by telco companies which allow outside caller/customer to directly connect with an companies inside sales team through Private Branch Exchange(PBX). DID is an direct method of...
Call Queue in ICTContact Interactive voice broadcasting campaigns
Call Queues Call queueing is a concept used in inbound call centers. If the number of calls increase and no agent is available then system automatically puts the calls in a queue. It is that waiting area of calls where they are put on hold and some music or...
ICTContact with complete inbound / outbound call center and predictive dialer capabilities
Predictive Dialer In this document we have discussed that how we have implemented the predictive dialer capability in ICTContact. while implementing predictive dialling behaviour we faced two question. How many channels a campaign need ? and When we need to...
WebRTC Phone for Agents in Interactive / Press 1 campaign , ICTContact an inbound / outbound advance call center solution
ICTContact Web Phone (WebRTC Agent) ICTContact brings another amazing feature for call centers and Agents! Web Phone. What is a WebPhone? and How does it help Agents? A Web phone is WebRTC based phone that allow agents to receive calls using their browsers...
Smart Inbound Call Center | Inbound interactive campaign | Autodialer software
ICTContact also supports inbound campaigns that allow inward calling to a supplied DID number. Whenever there is incoming call received, ICTContact plays an IVR or recorded message (optionally), and on key press , ICTContact forwards interested callers to...
Inbound IVR Support in ICTContact, the advance call center software solution
There are many features and campigns offered by ICTContact and Inbound IVR is one of them. IVR campaign dials number from contact list, on answer by the recipient, play recorded message and if recipient presses desired key, it forwards recipient to a live...
Set Up Call Queue in ICTContact
To set up a queue for your call center following are the steps: Create Queue Login as AdminChoose Agents/Extension from the menuFill in the information accordng to your data : If you want to choose Agent in Forward view Agent Module in ICTContact for...
The basics of a Contact Center Managment system .
Contact Center is a central place of communication for an organization to communicate globally and telemarketing his products along with providing call center and support services to its customers .Contact Center is business division with an organization...
Dedicated Trunk and Role Support in Autodialer ICTContact
ICTContact is a multi tenant autodialer that can send thousands of voice messages, text messages, emails and fax simultaneously through campaigns. All this data is transmitted when Trunks are configured in ICTContact. There are two ways to configure trunks:...
Inbound / Outbound Call Center Support in ICTContact autodialer / voice broadcasting software
Inbound / Outbound Call Center Support ICTContact autodialer includes all the basic call center functionalities. A call center is a physical place or office used for receiving or making a large volume of requests via telephone. This Autodialer software...
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