ICTContact has chart based reporting that makes viewing and analyzing a campaign much easier. You can now view the contact details (contact list) of those who answered your call, and of those where the call failed (due to Busy, No Answer, Congestion, Unknown error)....
ICTContact Auto dialer is bundled with an interactive web-based IVR Designer that enables its users to design custom IVR menus as they choose. IVR Designer is simple, easy to understand and is based on drag-and-drop feature. Once user has created an IVR, ICTContact...
ICTContact features a complete call throttling mechanism. You can set number of channels in terms of campaign, user, trunk and node. It is also possible to increase and decrease concurrent channels limits for active campaigns in real-time. Learn more about ICTContact...
ICTContact supports multiple trunks at a time. Each campaign can use more than one trunk concurrently. If a trunk is working to full capacity then the remaining trunks will be used as necessary. ICTContact has excellent support for multiple trunks provider / gateways....
ICTContact is built over open source Asterisk PBX as back-end telephony server. It supports SIP, IAX2 and DAHDI technologies. Furthermore, ICTContact supports almost all free codecs. Asterisk PBX supports both SIP, IAX2 and DAHDI technologies. That is why ICTContact...