Inbound/Outbound Call Center Support ICTContact autodialer incorporates all the fundamental call center functionalities. A call center is a physical spot or office utilized for accepting or making an enormous volume of solicitations/requests by means of telephone....
ICTContact has Chart based reporting that makes examine and easy way to analyze the campaign. You would now be able to see the contact details (contact list) those who answered your call, and of those where the call failed (because of busy, No Answer, Congestion,...
Voice Feedback Survey Campaign Survey campaign enables you to run automatic voice-based surveys asking recipients multiple questions ( pre recorded ) , to which they respond by pressing digits on their telephone keypad. Voice feedback feature in Survey campaign allows...
Survey Campaign ICTContact Survey campaign is to make automatic survey/polls without human intervention. You can add survey campaign in a few steps. It dials number from contact list, on answer by the recipient, asks set of questions and records their responses from...
When running telemarketing and auto-dialling voice broadcasting campaigns , Admin have to make sure that recipients / customers receives these call in proper and suitable time also there are legal restrictions in some countries to communicate people or business in...