Faxing has a re-birth since the advent of FoIP (Fax over IP) and internet telephony. It is very easy to run a Fax campaign in ICTContact, you need to upload your contact list and Fax document and run a new fax campaign , ICTContact will dials numbers from contact...
A CRM (Custom Relationship Management) is the software helps you to track all customer information and interactions in one location to follow more leads. ICTContact is a system that can seamlessly integrates CTI with CRM. It brings all this information into one...
Agents It is same as previous extension that any agent can register on some soft phone. However, because of the introduction of call center related features, some modification has also been made to this type of the extension. The new features of this extension type...
ICTContact is a multi tenant autodialer that can send thousands of voice messages, text messages, emails and fax simultaneously through campaigns. All this data is transmitted when Trunks are configured in ICTContact. There are two ways to configure trunks: Centeral...
ICTContact support a verity of ways to configure CallerID fortelemarketing campaigns, It support personal callerid per user wise, general callerid system wise random callerid from list of numbers, sequential callerid from list of numbers and it also support DID based...