ICTContact incorporates Answering Machine Detection, enabling you to hang up calls on AMD detection, or leave different messages for answering machines, according to requirements. Learn more about ICTContact ICTContact has built-in support for Answering Machine...
Now you can choose your target communication medium from a range of Voice, SMS, Fax and Email. There is no need to look for a separate platform for Email campaigns. Everything is bundled into a single software package. Learn more about Email campaign: Creating...
Following are the security features provided by ICTContact : Fail2Ban Fail2ban support is added for asterisk and ssh. It scans log files (e.g. /var/log/apache/error_log) and bans IPs that show the malicious signs such as too many password failures, seeking for...
ICTContact allows its users to perform some actions through DID Number. In DID configuration three options are provided Recording Studio This Options lets you record your voice through published DID.See More Campaign Manager You can perform operations related to...
Routing of calls is important part of any system and ICTContact has powerful routing system as well as It process Call Detail record for rating purpose ICTContact GUI help user to create and manage countries, destinations , rates and routes and provide interface to...